Parks and Rec Quote Looking at Art Is Exhausting

Screengrab via NBC
Not pictured: The Li'fifty Sebastian hologram.

By Alex Rice

The offbeat workplace sitcom Parks and Recreation has always found sense of humour in the dullness of government work, and it also celebrates the world of music. From '90s hitmakers similar Ginuwine and Letters to Cleo to indie-stone heavyweights the Decemberists and Jeff Tweedy to Pawnee'due south ain Mouse Rat and Duke Silver, musical subplots were constantly on the horizon. Only think what the show might've been ifthe RZA been chosen to play Leslie Knope.

That'due south enough eulogizing, though, especially since at that place'southward still ii episodes to go. After making it clear that this whole matter is a massive spoiler alert, let'southward take a await at the ten best onscreen musical moments in Parks and Rec history.

Run across also: Jeff Tweedy, Ginuwine Sing for Unity on Parks & Rec Flavor Finale

Screengrab via NBC

10. Andy, Mark and April play Lit'southward "My Own Worst Enemy" on Rock Band 2 (Season 1, Episode 2 - "Canvassing")
Much like its mockumentary forefather The Office, Parks and Recreation'southward 6-episode offset season took on a different tone, chronicling an uncomfortable group of acquaintances-by-circumstance and the deadening regime jobs they hated. Among a few early goofball moments, even so, was when deputy parks managing director Leslie Knope and her new nurse friend, Ann Perkins, walked in on Ann'due south boyfriend Andy Dwyer, dearly departed city planner Marking Brendanawicz and Andy's future married woman April Ludgate playing Lit'south "My Own Worst Enemy" on Rock Band 2 when they were supposed to be working.

At this point Dwyer was sitting on the couch all day with a broken leg, losing iPods and chopsticks in his cast, and headed for a stint of homelessness. Add in the fact that he would have been eighteen when the frat-rock favorite was released in 1999, and there's no amend tune for him to sing poorly than this one.

Screengrab via NBC
9. Tom Haverford Discovers Ginuwine Is Donna Meagle's Cousin (Season four, Episode 16 - "Sweet Sixteen")
Parks and Rec has taken plenty of cartoonish liberties with reality in its seven seasons, simply somehow, "Pony" hitmaker Ginuwine beingness the cousin of parks department office director Donna Meagle seems completely within the realm of possibility.

It'south revealed that Donna is related to the '90s star when coworker and lover of R&B Tom Haverford visits her business firm and sees a platinum Ginuwine record hanging on the wall and a picture of the cousins on the mantle. "The Ginuwine is your cousin?" Haverford exclaims, leading and so-girlfriend Ann Perkins to ask who the vocalizer is. He so tells the camera almost his "Oh No No" list for dating and how "non loving '90s R&B music" is the No. 3 reason for ending a relationship. The rant is almost enough to forgive the show for pairing him up with Perkins, a rare misstep by the Parks writers.

8. Andy Dwyer Lists His Band'southward Former Names (Flavor 1, Episode 6 - "Rock Show")
Information technology'southward a small miracle that Andy Dwyer's band e'er got any traction in the Pawnee music scene, because how often information technology inverse its moniker.

"The band has had a few unlike names over the years," Andy tells the camera in the first season'due south finale, earlier rattling off a listing of punny one-time identities including Section of Homeland Obscurity, God Hates Figs, Malice in Chains, 2 Doors Down and Threeskin. Chris Pratt claims he went through around 200 fake band names during filming, half of them improvised. His bandmates were known as Scarecrow Boat at this point, merely of course information technology would go famous in the existent earth as Mouse Rat.

seven. Andy Becomes a Children'due south Musician (Various)
Getting paid to play Craig Middlebrooks' nephew's altogether political party unlocked yet another persona in the life of Andy Dwyer: Johnny Karate. From then on, Karate brought laughter to children with songs well-nigh boogers and other important topics, impressed Scott Tanner (Jeff Tweedy) enough to prompt a Country Ho! reunion, and eventually parlayed the character into a Tv program chosen The Johnny Karate Super Awesome Musical Explosion Show. That testify came to an stop in last week's episode equally Andy and wife April set to move to Washington, D.C., so add the musical goodbye, "The Johnny Karate Way,"to the list of sweet merely painful goodbyes from this terminal Parks and Rec flavor.

Parks and Recreation Neutral Milk Hotel Shout from Mango Nebula on Vimeo.

half dozen. Andy Gets Jealous of Jeff Mangum (Flavor 3, Episode fourteen - "Road Trip")
When you're busy penning classics like "Sex activity Pilus," "The Pit" and "5,000 Candles in the Wind," at that place'south not much room for studying upwardly on Pitchfork's Top 100 Albums of the 1990s list. Non that Matchbox Twenty and Dave Matthews Band devotee Andy would find much to enjoy.

During a modified version of The Newlywed Game called Know Ya Boo, Andy is asked which stone star April "would bang" if she had the chance. "This is virtually too piece of cake -- me," Andy answers. Then, his boo holds up a dry-erase board with Neutral Milk Hotel leader Jeff Mangum'southward name on it, much to the Mouse Rat frontman'southward chagrin. "Their music is sad and depressing and weird," Andy says. "And art is supposed to exist happy and fun, and anybody knows that."


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